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    Can you sell a book by it’s cover?

    A newbie author dives into self publishing I’ve written several picture book manuscripts. I love the idea of mixing art and story, but I never knew exactly what to do with them. I don’t have the patience for traditional publishing, but the idea of paying for an illustrator and formatting for self-publishing was overwhelming to me. I don’t have hundreds or thousands of dollars to pay an illustrator right now, and even if I did, would I know how to format and self-publish? Can I make my own illustrations? I decided to take a creative leap and try illustrating one of my books myself. The book I picked wasn’t my…

  • Creativity

    Five Ways to Click into a Creative Headspace

    Get started faster! Circling the Runway When I sit down to work on my novel, I turn on my computer and instead of jumping right into the next scene, I often check my Facebook notifications or my Medium stats for the day. I might check my work email and then my personal email. Maybe I will write back to my friends on Messenger. I don’t mean to waste time, but my resistance often manifests in needing to circle the runway a bit before I dive in. Eric Maisel, in Secrets of a Creativity Coach, talks about reducing what it takes to click into the creative mindset. He defines the problem…