• Creativity,  Writing

    Not Even a First Draft – The One-Half Draft

    I am in the middle of the first draft of my second novel. For my first novel, I was afraid to go out of order, so I worked my way through the book from beginning to end. When I started the second book, I was brave enough to start in the middle with a scene that interests me and just write what I see and hear. I’ve since been hopping around my plot outline from scene to scene, capturing mostly internal and external dialogue. The First Draft – 2D Cardboard Scenes When I write a first draft, it contains the important parts of the scene, but it’s not fully formed.…

  • Creativity,  Fitness

    Want to be more creative? Maybe go for a run.

    I started exercising regularly when my youngest baby started sleeping through the night. I took a Crystal Paine’s online course about reworking your morning routine. My new morning routine began with a tiny bit of exercise. Soon after, I also started a journaling practice and then started getting more intentional about creativity. I found the exercise woke up my brain and helped me have more energy throughout the day. I started small and then built up to a couch to 5k program. I have been running for 5 years now and have done several running races and triathlons. What does fitness have to do with a creative practice? For me,…