Creativity,  Fitness,  Parenting

A Model of the Creative Life

When I started running a few years ago, I did it for myself, but it has had a side benefit of making my kids interested in trying fitness too. They see me go for a run or a bike ride and they want to come too. They are all under 10 years old and three out of four have already run a 5k race, which wasn’t something I could do when I was younger. My youngest daughter wanted her own set of hand weights because she likes to do yoga and strength work on the mat with me.

You often hear about how it’s important to model healthy eating and fitness to your children because they learn by watching, but you don’t hear as much about modeling creativity and exploration of new interests. I don’t want my kids to only see me doing chores or playing their games. I try to be creative in front of them for two main reasons. The first is if I want to have time to do my hobbies, it’s got to be when my kids are around, or else my time for creativity would be very limited. The second reason is I think it’s important for my kids to that I don’t just work and do chores and make them lunches. I want them to see that I have interest and projects too.

Many people put their kids in classes for music or art, but they don’t do many creative pursuits as adults. I think that’s a shame. Like fitness, I think creative pursuits are not only for the young. Sometimes I think we could benefit from art classes more as adults. It would be beneficial if our culture valued to art, music and creativity as lifelong pursuits.

I have been doing more creative activities in front of my children over the last year or two. They are old enough to entertain themselves for a bit and I know they won’t eat the paint or steal my needles and pins. They see me writing, painting or learning how to play music, and it makes them want to be creative too. Sometimes we paint side by side or they want to play at the piano. I am modeling being a lifelong learner and showing how to add richness to life through interests and hobbies. I think that’s just as important as teaching them to unload the dishwasher or clean the bathrooms.

Are you looking to find more time for the creative activities you love? Can you make it easier to do it while the family is around so you have more time for your pursuits AND model creative living?