Creativity,  Goal setting

Breaking Through Resistance – 4 Simple Tips

Plant breaking through resistance of asphalt

Are you reading this when you should be writing right now? Whether it’s your next blog post, your novel or a report for work, sometimes it’s hard to get started on writing something, even when you really want to get it done. Here are some simple ways for breaking through resistance.

Set a Timer to Get You Started

When I want to get something on the page and it’s just not happening, I set a time for just ten minutes. For me, ten minutes sneaks past my mental block and I finally start writing.

Once I am writing, usually I get into a groove and I end up working through a chunk of time longer than 10 minutes, but sometimes I do stop the second the timer rings.

There are entire productivity methods that are based on setting a time. The Flylady says you can do anything for 15 minutes. The Pomodoro method breaks your entire work period into blocks of work and rest.

The timer tells your brain that there is a reasonable boundary to the work at hand and helps you sneak past resistance to write something fresh.

Change Locations for a Change of Scenery

If working at the dining room table isn’t happening for you, try working outside on the patio table. Pack up your stuff and go work at a cafe or the library.

Sometimes working outside on the lawn under a tree can unlock something in your mind and you can make progress.

For me, going to a café feels like a date with myself and a special treat. My writer brain sees the laptop and the coffee and the café atmosphere and knows it’s time to get to work.

Make a Special Drink as a Special Treat

If you don’t have the time or energy to get to a café, bring the café to you by making a special drink for your writing time.

It doesn’t have to be anything complicated. Sometimes a cup of coffee with a little hot chocolate mixed in or a fresh brewed pot of tea can settle your mind and put you in the writer’s state of readiness.

A little touch of caffeine and a treat for yourself can help things feel different enough to reset your mind and break through the wall of resistance.

Find an Accountability Buddy to Fight Procrastination

This one doesn’t have to be complex. Often, I text my friend and tell her what I have been putting off all day. I tell her I’m going to start right now and not text anyone or surf anything until I finish.

Usually, that’s enough to force myself to break through resistance and get a solid chunk of writing done.

You can make this one more formal by having a writer’s accountability group where you have regular writing sprints and check ins. Sometimes when I can’t get things going, committing to someone else is enough to get the job done.

Make an Appointment with Your Writing

Is there a time in your weekly schedule where you can make a standing appointment to write? As a busy working mom, I find having regular writing blocks allows my mind to know what to expect for writing time and be ready to go.

I am writing this blog during my daughters’ piano lesson. Each week while I am waiting for their lessons to finish, I always have an idea outline ready to go and I use the hour to write an article.

Structured time blocks work the same way as the café atmosphere. My brain knows what to anticipate and is more ready to go during writing time. Time is limited to just one hour, so it makes me more efficient with my use of time.

Do you have a time during the day or during your week that you can set aside for writing?

Do you have other tips for breaking through resistance? Share them with me in the comments.

Join Us!

Are you looking for an accountability group for your writing or other creative endeavors? Join us on FB in the Creative Collaborative for peer coaching and accountability. We can break through resistance together!